Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First Day of class!

ok so yesterday was the first day of class for the summer term, and basically I decided that I definetely want to business minor. I walked into this business class I was taking (I have a lot of business major friends and they loved this course about writing and learning about contracts.. thought it could be useful so I decided to take it).. and the most beautiful people I have ever seen on our campus. Its all in the business classes, not that there aren't pretty people in all classes, but business its just amazing. ;-)

w/e but my teacher was so chill, and he basically talked about himself, and we got to know him and just kind of chilled the first day. He went over some basics but that was it. It was amazing.

Really excited for wed. when i get to go to class again :-D

ok now on a side note, this blogging thing is really cool, but I am still getting used to it, turns out I can put pics up. So here goes nothing...

hey now you know what i look like... :-D

ok so till next time.. bye! ooo also i got an aunt annies pretzel this morning for breakfast... soo good!! (cinnamon flavor.. mmm)

Friday, June 8, 2007

My first post

whoop whoop whats up world? this is my first post on the blog! excited. but unfortunately I can't talk much, I have to go catch some free italian ice in the quad, then dinner, then a movie... so I will be back eventually...exclamation point. Don't miss me too much :-D