Wednesday, August 8, 2007

walking my missy!!

SOO... this weekend i fell in love with this beautiful beautiful lady... name:missy...

yes she is the cutest dog ever!!! :-p

so me and my friend took this puppy out for a walk (she is only 6 months old boxer)

and we walked her all the way from 30th to 13th street... which was the farthest she has ever gone... of course we were using her to pick people up :-D

it worked but we got no numbers :-( but we got to be with this cute puppy!

this weekend was mostly for a little rest and relaxation.. so kinda not so entertaining.. oo i did have a b-day party to attend which was quite entertaining... seeing all my old friends that were away for the summer who came back down for her b-day..

and now i am giong house shopping so i have a place to live in the fall... so excited

