Friday, July 27, 2007

what a week

So this week was pretty exhausting... I had two midterms, but instead of studying for those, I decided to read Harry Potter! MY BAD!! it was soo good!! to bad its over now :-( but so yeah i was pretty exhausted but now its the weekend, and its time to sit back relax and enjoy. This weekend is finally the slow weekend when I have absolutely nothing planned, I don't have to go anywhere, I don't have to see anyone... but I have a feeling that might change in a couple of hours :-(... maybe i will go to the mall!! :-O

mmm shopping! :-D

well I guess I will let you know how this weekend goes on monday...

Talk to you later alligator!! :-D

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bir-day weekend!!

so I am twenty... yeah! really it means nothing, but doesn't mean i can't celebrate.
For my B-day my friends and I got together and went up to the poconoes. (it has now become a tradition since my 18th b-day to take a trip on my b-day and celebrate). last year I brought everyone to long island.
This year it was crzy, the lake, the boat, the lake, the water, the boat, and the sun!!! :-D

This past weeekend my friend who has her b-day the day b4 mine, came down from Rhode Island, and we celebrated , went to the philly's game and some parties. It was so much fun!!

The philly's won... but i recently heard we still got the 10,000 loss in baseball history. We suck! :-p too bad!

ok I am so sore from my butts and gutts class at the drexel gym, I am going to sign off!!! :-p
peace out cub scout!

Monday, July 2, 2007


This weekend was another average weekend! Clearly by average I mean crzy fun like every other weekend! We sat around friday night and played card games, and pong, followed by a trip to a couple of parties around the block. Dancing partying having a joyous time. It was great! Then sat, we ended up going to the mall all day (by we I mean a bunch of my cool posse), and den dinner at a nice fancy restaurant, followed by a classic movie. . . ratatouille . . . (clearly not classic but still not half bad).

It was amazing! ummm and today classes were crzy great, with my crzy business teacher just being cookie all the time... (ie he doesn't let us say yah.. only yes, yup, and dah (its german don't ask)). w/e followed by a cool chill time at the amphitheatre in the sun and stuff... i forgot where i was going with this... oops

well i gots to go to next class see you soon