Monday, July 2, 2007


This weekend was another average weekend! Clearly by average I mean crzy fun like every other weekend! We sat around friday night and played card games, and pong, followed by a trip to a couple of parties around the block. Dancing partying having a joyous time. It was great! Then sat, we ended up going to the mall all day (by we I mean a bunch of my cool posse), and den dinner at a nice fancy restaurant, followed by a classic movie. . . ratatouille . . . (clearly not classic but still not half bad).

It was amazing! ummm and today classes were crzy great, with my crzy business teacher just being cookie all the time... (ie he doesn't let us say yah.. only yes, yup, and dah (its german don't ask)). w/e followed by a cool chill time at the amphitheatre in the sun and stuff... i forgot where i was going with this... oops

well i gots to go to next class see you soon

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